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Tropic Anomalies

Tropic Anomalies cover image
Tropic Anomalies cover image Tropic Anomalies cover image Tropic Anomalies cover image
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by: Tony Arnold
Books with a 4 star rating  (2)
Publication Date: September 2, 2021
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 39
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Standard Black & White
Cover Finish: Glossy
Paper: 60# Uncoated White

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Book Synopsis
"Tropic Anomalies" samples just a handful of Florida's many strange, curious and unexplained phenomena, human and otherwise.

Our Cheapskate Chapbooks Series is a slimline collection of edited favorites in a lightweight, unchallenging format specially designed for today's aliterate intellectual. You have more important things to spend your money on than improving the mind and spirit, and we here at the White Devil Press know it. They're cheap enough to abuse, yet booky enough to make for fun reading! Buy a bunch and pass them out at church or at the next drug gang meet-up! Now there's no more excuse for not pretending to read!

That affordable enough for ya, tightwad?
Customer Comments
Posted: October 4, 2021
Customer comment 5 star rating
"This 1970s' documentary has been given a great transfer. Looks nothing like the grainy prints we have seen in the past. Plus you get another documentary that looks ok. Bluray fills the screen of your dubble wide tv but the extra feature does not you get black bars on the left and right. I would have liked more in depth analysis and I think this flim just exposed the tip of the iceberg. For example, what technology did he think the aliens used to construct the first theme parks? I know we didn't have it and still don't. Just curious is all. Have a ton of other dumb questions too, mostly about sports enigmas." -- The Miniature Donkey Gazette
Posted: October 4, 2021
Customer comment 4 star rating
"When he then decided to connect the Cygnian Tripod to caves of a lost skunk ape civilization in Miami that are not confirmed or verified, he lost all credibility. The book was more of a complaint against his detractors than any kind of educational treatise. In my life I have rarely thrown a book away when I was finished reading it. This one went to the circular file. Now I miss it. Might have to reorder." -- Fighting Fairy Reporter
About The Author
Author bio image
"Tony Arnold" is the cryptonym under which author & musician Dr. Crabbe Rangoon creates his picaresque books of fiction. Dr. Rangoon is the chimerical father of Misanthropology, and splits his time between a Quonset hut atop Floating Rock Mountain and a stilt home in Candor-on-Asperger, Florida. Rangoon holds a Ph.D. in Exocryptobiology from Florida Memorial University, and served on renowned explorer Horst von Hesselbrut's last expedition. Subsequent endeavors included procurement journeys into Asia, the South Pacific, and The Dark Continent, where he earned the appellation "White Devil" by introducing the use of the pellet rifle in the execution of East African poachers. When not involved in writing, his hobbies include exotic cultural appropriation, listening to instrumental & improvisational music, and frequenting Chinese restaurants.
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