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All books using the keywords: Pat Tamakloe, Ph.D.

Strategic Business Leadership: Profit Acceleration Secrets Unveiled to Scale your Business Pat Tamakloe, Ph.D.
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
This is a book about strategic thinking as a business leader. Each chapter walks you through strategies, best practices, "how to" or "Five Steps to" so that you are getting the fundamental principles to profit acceleration toward building your 7-figure business enterprise. Take each chapter as a call to action to lay out a roadmap or a plan of actions to implement each strategy exactly or as nearly identical to how they are discussed in the text. Develop a workbook or amplifying note-taking book that you can use to track your progress and performance as you learn and apply these business leadership principles to accelerate your profits to the next level of your entrepreneurial success ...