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What the Bible Says About...

What the Bible Says About... cover image
What the Bible Says About... cover image What the Bible Says About... cover image What the Bible Says About... cover image
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by: Robert L. Dickie
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: November 27, 2021
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 222
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Standard Black & White
Cover Finish: Glossy
Paper: 60# Uncoated White

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Book Synopsis
There is profound ignorance today among many young people concerning the most basic doctrines and topics of biblical knowledge. It is dicult to pinpoint the reason for this appalling situation. It could stem from the shallow teaching and preaching that characterizes most pulpits today, or it may be a sad reflection of negligence of the Christian home. Perhaps there are many fathers who fail to take seri ously the responsibility of systematically teaching their children about the things of God. Whatever the cause for this appalling ignorance of God’s Word, it must be noted that many young people have deficient views of many of the most basic and simple Bible truths.This book is written to provide helpful information to our young people to correct their failure to understand basic Biblical truths.
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