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What If Everything Jesus Says About You Is True?

What If Everything Jesus Says About You Is True? cover image
What If Everything Jesus Says About You Is True? cover image What If Everything Jesus Says About You Is True? cover image What If Everything Jesus Says About You Is True? cover image
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by: Daniel Mello
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: March 17, 2014
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 245
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Standard Black & White
Cover Finish: Glossy
Paper: 60# Uncoated White

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Book Synopsis
The greatest lie that's ever been told is still being told today. It's the ace in the hole for your greatest enemy. This lie has single handedly; destroyed lives, stolen the keys that would have unlocked any door, and held countless people hostage for most of their lives. It's the first lie that was ever TOLD and the LAST lie heard before a miracle takes place:
What if your enemy knows if he can just get you to question what God says about you, it's enough to keep you from operating in what He's already given you? What if the word of God is true and every other voice is a LIAR? At the end of each chapter you're given a choice, believe God or believe the lie!
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