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Up To My Eyeballs In Sunshine

Up To My Eyeballs In Sunshine cover image
Up To My Eyeballs In Sunshine cover image Up To My Eyeballs In Sunshine cover image Up To My Eyeballs In Sunshine cover image
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by: Peter C. Taboni IV
Books with a 5 star rating  (1)
Publication Date: July 19, 2013
Book Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 140
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Standard Black & White
Cover Finish: Glossy
Paper: 60# Uncoated White
ISBN: 7383676736279

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Book Synopsis
UP TO MY EYEBALLS IN SUNSHINE is the most hilarious, controversial and troubling book you will ever read!

Set primarily in the crumbling wasteland geographically known as Buffalo, New York, UP TO MY EYEBALLS IN SUNSHINE is a semi-autobiographical account of one Buffalonians’ tumultuous, mind-boggling struggle to both survive in, and escape from, a city wrought with a disheartening abundance of poverty, crime, domestic violence, death, alcoholism, drug addiction, corruption and hopelessness.

After defying the odds and overcoming twenty years worth of unspeakable physical, emotional and financial suffering, the main protagonist of UP TO MY EYEBALLS IN SUNSHINE sets off on a feverish, ten year long odyssey to escape what he perceives to be Hell on Earth; to mostly disturbing and farcical results.

Murder, suicide, child abuse, internet prostitution, and premature burial are but a few of the atrociously mismanaged scenarios you'll enjoy as you read UP TO MY EYEBALLS IN SUNSHINE.

Customer Comments
Posted: June 23, 2015
Customer comment 5 star rating
Very interesting book a must read