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Titanic Lifeboat # 6: Was It Deception or Regulations?

Titanic Lifeboat # 6: Was It Deception or Regulations? cover image
Titanic Lifeboat # 6: Was It Deception or Regulations? cover image Titanic Lifeboat # 6: Was It Deception or Regulations? cover image Titanic Lifeboat # 6: Was It Deception or Regulations? cover image
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by: Thomas P. Krupica Sr.
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: October 26, 2022
Book Size: 8.5" x 11"
Pages: 189
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9798885677400

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Book Synopsis
“Titanic Lifeboat #6: Was it Deception or Regulations?” is not just another book about the Titanic. I use the theme Titanic, but my purpose is to focus on a specific part of the Titanic tragedy. My focus incorporates the lifeboat issue, why the lifeboat situation was what it was, and the results of the tragedy on the lifeboat controversy.

Included in the theme are short biographies of the reluctant occupants of this lifeboat, along with a connection to the great state of West Virginia. Within my introduction, I establish the fact that the lifeboat issue became a dominant theme before the Titanic tragedy, during the sinking, and the aftermath.

Since the discovery of the wreck in 1985, thousands of words, numerous books, hundreds of internet sites, and movies have materialized. What I have done is to concentrate on the details and problems about Titanic’s lifeboats, the regulations that were established prior to the tragedy, the people involved, and the aftereffects of the tragedy.
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