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The Worst of Alleyoop Wilson
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by: Alleyoop Wilson
Publication Date:
September 29, 2024
Book Size:
5.5" x 8.5"
Perfect Bound
Standard Black & White
Cover Finish:
60# Uncoated White
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Book Synopsis
Some science fiction writers entertain their readers with fantastic tales of what they think the universe may have in store for us when we venture out of our solar system. Alleyoop Wilson not only conjures up incredible tales that entertain his readers, but also gives them insights into the enigmas, riddles and conspiracies we are perplexed by. His genre of political sci-fi satire is both entertaining and enlightening.
Take a journey into the bizarre side of the universe with both eyes wide shut and drink in the hilarious entertainment and the amazing revelations into the human psychic. After you finish reading all 16 stories you will be eager to read 16 more and maybe Alleyoop will have 16 more thrilling stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat as you cruise about the universe in your UFO.
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