Book Synopsis
The military document titled "The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons" clearly reveals the Chinese military's plans for biological weapons. This document is General Xu Dezhong's Handbook on Biological Weapons of the People's Liberation Army and highlights two important aspects of biological warfare. First, the ability to lyophilize microorganisms allows biological agents to be stored and aerosolized during attacks. Second, an attack with a biological weapon can cause "the collapse of the enemy's medical system."
Among the 18 authors listed in the document, some are senior public health officials in the (Communist) Chinese country, including Li Feng, the former deputy director of the Chinese (Communist) National Defense Epidemic Agency.
The authenticity of the document has been verified by experts. Robert Porter, a digital forensics expert who has worked with the governments of the United States, Australia and Canada, said the book is already on the Internet in China. Another person who has confirmed its authenticity is Dr Li-Meng Yan, who once worked in Hong Kong and is now studying the origin of the coronavirus. She said the coronavirus was made in a laboratory in Wuhan. When she first reported this fact in Hong Kong, she was warned not to disclose the results of her research. She then fled the country and sought refuge in the United States. She confirmed that the Chinese Communist Party has been studying biological weapons for a long time.