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The Fall of Morag: The Mysterious Leader

The Fall of Morag: The Mysterious Leader cover image
The Fall of Morag: The Mysterious Leader cover image The Fall of Morag: The Mysterious Leader cover image The Fall of Morag: The Mysterious Leader cover image
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by: Berin Nitzel
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: May 28, 2022
Book Size: 8.5" x 11"
Pages: 107
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Standard Black & White
Cover Finish: Glossy
Paper: 60# Uncoated White

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Book Synopsis
Morag a once-great kingdom of the worldly province Venice had fallen. Its great King Rufus Reed fled the burning kingdom he realized soon enough that the wraugs created by an evil warden Kingsley destroyed his kingdom. This was not the point however the wraug were for some reason smarter than before, Rufus figured out that somebody had been helping them with orders in destroying castles and taking over the world somebody who is a coward... and needed to be dealt with. Kinglsey from the evil castle Glumridge has a human General turned wraug as his lap-dog and another mysterious leader who is helping them with his brains. Rufus was the only survivor of his castle when it was overrun. Or so he thinks. He soon realizes that there is more to this mysterious leader than meets the eye. Rufus stops at a castle and meets cowards, Chefs who can make amazing food, and other wardens that are very clingy and have practical personalities.
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About The Author
Berin Nitzel is the youngest of nine kids he loves being outdoors spending time with his siblings and enjoys reading, and writing stories. He is currently working on the second installment of the three books he hopes to write. Berin may not consider himself an author yet he will hope to write other books eventually. He lives in Nebraska.