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REAL BOOK cover image
REAL BOOK cover image REAL BOOK cover image REAL BOOK cover image
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by: Michael Pierog
Books with a 2 star rating  (5)
Publication Date: December 27, 2022
Book Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 69
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Color

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Book Synopsis
"REAL BOOK" is an epic adventure that guides readers on a journey of self-discovery as they learn about the magical law of attraction and how to use it to catalyze their evolution. Along the way, they will uncover many occult truths that have been hidden for centuries.

This book challenges readers to think deeply about their own lives and the choices they make. It teaches them how to tap into the power of their thoughts and emotions to manifest their desires and create the life they've always wanted. "REAL BOOK" also explores the mysteries of the universe and the hidden forces that shape our reality, offering a wealth of knowledge that will leave readers feeling inspired and empowered.

To fully benefit from its transformative power, readers are encouraged to read it page-by-page with intention. This is a book that is truly for all ages and backgrounds, offering something to readers of all interests. It's a must-read for anyone looking to expand their knowledge and grow as a person.
Customer Comments
Michael Pierog
Posted: December 27, 2022
Customer comment 4 star rating
I recently read a book called "REAL BOOK" and was thoroughly impressed by its depth and creativity. The story was engaging and kept me hooked from start to finish. It was truly a book for all ages, as it had something to offer to readers of all backgrounds and interests.

One of the things that stood out to me most about "REAL BOOK" was the way it inspired me to think more deeply about the world around me. The themes and ideas presented in the story made me reflect on my own life and the choices I make on a daily basis.

But perhaps the most memorable part of reading "REAL BOOK" was the way it inspired me to go to the bathroom and relieve myself. The book had such a powerful impact on me that it sparked a physical response, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to experience such a unique and memorable moment.

Overall, I highly recommend "REAL BOOK" to anyone looking for a thought-provoking and inspiring read. It's a book that will stay with you long after you've finished it, and I have no doubt that it will have a similarly powerful impact on anyone who reads it. So, it is a must-read for all.
Bobby Hill
Posted: December 27, 2022
Customer comment 2 star rating
It don't make sense, and since I can't make sense of it, it doesn't help me make cents. I need cents.

Unfortunately, I was disappointed by the poor quality of the writing. The plot was confusing and full of plot holes, and the characters were one-dimensional and unlikable.

I was excited to read a book. However, the character felt out of place and forced in this story, and his actions and dialogue did not feel true to his character from the show.

Overall, I would recommend 'REAL BOOK' to anyone. However, there are far better fantasy sci-fi thrillers out there that are worth your time and money.
Keandrian Qynzel Jones
Posted: December 27, 2022
Customer comment 2 star rating
I was extremely disappointed with the content. This book is marketed as a young adult erotica, and while I understand that people have different tastes, I couldn't piece together a lot of the content of the book and it left me confused at times.

The thing though is, it really titillated my senses and sipping on some wock made it more enjoyable so I'll give it 2 stars. In my opinion, this book is an appropriate introduction to the genre for young readers.
Faisal Eweje
Posted: December 27, 2022
Customer comment 0 star rating
This book changed my life the spiritual enlightenment I attained after reading it is unparalleled to anything I’ve ever read before stream sytokene on soundcloud btw
Whinston Couper
Posted: December 27, 2022
Customer comment 3 star rating
I rate it. I found moments of deep introspection within the novel, and it's definitely an eye-opening read, good for a long flight. Lots of filler too, though.