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Pulse Rate 2095
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by: Nicholas Sinclair Schrage
Publication Date:
June 27, 2023
Book Size:
6" x 9"
Perfect Bound
Standard Black & White
Cover Finish:
60# Uncoated White
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Book Synopsis
In 2095, freedom is gone, money no longer has value, each person has a biometric implant, everyone serves the local government in one form or fashion...and time travel is used everyday by the government of the New World Order.
Baron Stamos works for the Agency: a powerful arm of the government. His boss just dropped a hot one into his hands: a couple from the past have been convicted for altering their pulse rates. Under the Pulse Rate Amendment they are scheduled for execution using the Eradication Removal Process—a process that removes a person’s existence while preserving their pulse rates for future use. The key to this madness is the inventor of the biometric implant chip, a rebel in hiding: the Black Market Broker. Baron has to find the pieces of this growing puzzle using investigation and time to help the Agency overturn voracious laws created by the government and return society to its previous chaotic state.
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