Book Synopsis
This consumable booklet of full-color clip art is necessary for completion of the Presidents, Poems, and Pictures--Oh, My! Student Workbook. For each U.S. president taught from the curriculum's Teacher's Manual, students cut out and glue several kid-appealing images from this Clip Art Booklet onto the president's page in their Student Workbook. Each image has something to do with the president himself or events that happened during his term(s). The finished product is a colorful keepsake notebook with original four-line poems about each president, full-color TREND flash cards (sold separately) with presidential portraits, & colorful images that will remind students of interesting events of each president’s life & term(s). Permission is granted to photocopy 10 copies of the Student Workbook & the Clip Art Booklet! For a complete curriculum overview, sample pages, & more, go to, which contains links back to when you're ready to buy!