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My Life After Vietnam

My Life After Vietnam cover image
My Life After Vietnam cover image My Life After Vietnam cover image My Life After Vietnam cover image
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by: Normand Manuel
Books with a 5 star rating  (1)
Publication Date: March 10, 2019
Book Size: 5" x 8"
Pages: 218
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Standard Black & White
Cover Finish: Glossy
Paper: 60# Uncoated White

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Book Synopsis
This is a sequel to my first book "My Broken Heart" and how I overcame it's emotional injuries of Vietnam. My slow recovery was only obtained through the people put in my path and forgiveness. I owe both to the Grace of God.
Customer Comments
Everett Boudreau
Posted: April 24, 2019
Customer comment 5 star rating
A genuine account of the struggles and victories in Norm's life. Starting with his abandonment as a child, through his tour of duty in Vietnam, and then having to deal with life paralyzing brain surgery at a young age. Through it all, he never waivered or quit and succeeded in being an exemplary husband, loving parent, and productive citizen. His spouse, Pam, was his guiding light through it all, always lovingly challenging him to do more than he ever thought he could. She was his anchor that helped keep it all together. A true, heartwarming story that demonstrates that there's nothing one can't do with God, love, and family support. Norm is an exemplary man that everyone could benefit by emulating him. It's all good for everyone, except for Shirley; I hope she doesn't read it..
About The Author