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musings from the heart

musings from the heart cover image
musings from the heart cover image musings from the heart cover image musings from the heart cover image
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by: Sarah Dufresne
Books with a 5 star rating  (9)
Publication Date: July 14, 2020
Book Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 202
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Standard Black & White
Cover Finish: Glossy
Paper: 60# Uncoated White
ISBN: 9781648584114

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Book Synopsis
An honest gathering of writing reflecting the wisdom in your own heart space, thus allowing you to carry yourself through life with a little more care. Sarah’s unique perspective highlights the gratitude for experiences of vulnerability, reminding you of your deeper purpose & strength.

'Musings from the Heart' brings you on a journey of self-reflection, all the while skimming the soft surface of the ocean with your fingertips as you float belly up, away from all the noise and messiness that life surrounds you with.

These pages consist of whole-hearted, brave and vulnerable declarations. Giving voice to the personal inquiry of self-doubt, holding a lot of compassion for being curious and honest, alongside the very challenging task of being human.

Here lies an exploration of the heartfelt and challenging experience it is to be alive, for the reader that desires inspiration, encouragement, and the gift of being seen.
Customer Comments
Cindi Ruth
Posted: August 16, 2020
Customer comment 0 star rating
The author is an deep thinker, with heart and soul. She has put in print her deepest, darkest, joyous and most profound thought. I am honored to know her and can say when you read her words, you will find yourself in them. This book is a keeper to refer to often. Best of luck to Sarah who sparkles in my eyes. ??
Cindi Ruth
Posted: August 16, 2020
Customer comment 5 star rating
The author is an deep thinker, with heart and soul. She has put in print her deepest, darkest, joyous and most profound thought. I am honored to know her and can say when you read her words, you will find yourself in them. This book is a keeper to refer to often. Best of luck to Sarah who sparkles in my eyes. ??
Cindi Ruth
Posted: August 16, 2020
Customer comment 5 star rating
The author is an deep thinker, with heart and soul. She has put in print her deepest, darkest, joyous and most profound thought. I am honored to know her and can say when you read her words, you will find yourself in them. This book is a keeper to refer to often. Best of luck to Sarah who sparkles in my eyes. ??
Cindi Ruth
Posted: August 16, 2020
Customer comment 5 star rating
The author is an deep thinker, with heart and soul. She has put in print her deepest, darkest, joyous and most profound thought. I am honored to know her and can say when you read her words, you will find yourself in them. This book is a keeper to refer to often. Best of luck to Sarah who sparkles in my eyes. ??
Jackie Rauh
Posted: August 27, 2020
Customer comment 5 star rating
I find myself over and over again, in this wonderful book. I find myself opening to a page and the sentiments and words cover me like a quilt. A comfortable and familiar quilt, where I return again and again and find myself. There is a knowing here. An aha at times. An ok, it’s ok. You too? Hmmm. Yes, this gem is something to cherish, and cherish it I shall.

Thank you for bravely finding the words for us all.
Posted: September 10, 2020
Customer comment 5 star rating
This book is so wonderfully written. It takes you right into the depths of your own thoughts, wonderings, and feelings as well as those of the author. I hope everyone is blessed with reading this book and these passages, it is a gift <3
Posted: September 10, 2020
Customer comment 5 star rating
This book is so wonderfully written. It takes you right into the depths of your own thoughts, wonderings, and feelings as well as those of the author. I hope everyone is blessed with reading this book and these passages, it is a gift <3
Posted: September 10, 2020
Customer comment 5 star rating
This book is so wonderfully written. It takes you right into the depths of your own thoughts, wonderings, and feelings as well as those of the author. I hope everyone is blessed with reading this book and these passages, it is a gift <3
Posted: September 19, 2020
Customer comment 5 star rating
'It's been a comfort reading your book..a few passages here and there at night...your words are like a warm, cozy blanket. Thank you for sharing these pieces of your soul with the world.'
About The Author
Author bio image
writer, reckless optimist, magic seeker.

Sarah writes on the great days and the tough ones. She writes as a means to unravel an expression of joy and wisdom that is eager for the page. 'If I stay really still, I can catch the words as they move through me. I try to write down what exists in the ethers around me. To capture a moment, a feeling, a pulse with words feels like an honor and a gift.'