Book Synopsis
"Maggie Moo, Circus, Wagon, and Sporty Moore with Our Friends" is a heartwarming children's book that takes readers on a delightful journey through the true life stories of animals on a farm. Written by Victoria Moore McDow, a licensed minister, executive spiritual life coach, speaker, author, and loving mom and Nonna, this book aims to reinforce children's identity as beings made in the image of God, while also celebrating the greatness and beauty of the world around us and the love of animals. Additionally, we have poems for the animals, too.
Through relatable and engaging tales, "Maggie Moo, Circus, Wagon, and Sporty Moore with Our Friends" tackles important topics such as adoption, bullying, identity, and family dynamics. The book is not only an entertaining read, but also serves as a valuable conversational tool for parents and caregivers to help children better understand these significant themes.
To further support parents “Bridging Hearts, A Guide For Engaging Conversations