Book Synopsis
Living Life for God: Devotions for Kids is an Everyday Kid’s Life Series1: 2nd Edition for ages 6-12 of thirty-day everyday life situation devotions, to teach them how to make positive choices with scripture, prayer, questions and notes.
God loves children and He loves them when they talk to Him as they are.
The Bible says to train up a child in the way they should go and when he is old the word of God will not depart from him. It is important for parents to teach their children the word of God, so they can have a firm foundation and make good choices in life. If you change a child, then the world itself will be changed; it begins with our little ones.
About The Author
Dr. Sonya Privette is the founder and owner of Extreme Faith Ministries LLC, a for-profit business, and an Apostle and President of Walking On Water International Fellowship, Inc based in Philadelphia, PA& Portland, Oregon.
Dr. Sonya is a speaker and an author. She travels throughout various states, speaking about her books with a message about God's Love since He has given her a writing and teaching ministry. Sonya's favorite scripture is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me.”
Dr. Sonya Privette is a proud mother of three beautiful children. She has fully accepted the call of ministry in her life. Dr. Sonya is a native of Philadelphia, but now resides in Portland, Oregon. To purchase any of her books, please visit her website at or