Book Synopsis
The call for revival has been heard for many years. Certainly, now is the time we need to see God move in our land.
True believers in Christ need to understand what revival is and what is necessary to see it happen. The Bible has much to say about it, and gives us examples to help us know what it entails, as well as the powerful results that bring glory to God.
Although revival is desperately needed, few believers today have ever seen. It is not too late – but it is getting close to it.
In this book, Evangelist Michael Valles not only gives a fresh call to revival, but also reveals what steps must be taken to bring it about. Some of the topics covered include:
• America’s Desperate Need for Revival!
• Hindrances to a Holy Ghost Revival
• (Three Steps on) How to Get Revived
• The Great Blessings That Revival May Bring
• Can We Expect a National Revival Today?
• And more - 15 chapters in all.
Are you willing to meet the challenge and help bring it to yourself and to your church?