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Honoring My Father & Mother

Honoring My Father & Mother cover image
Honoring My Father & Mother cover image Honoring My Father & Mother cover image Honoring My Father & Mother cover image
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by: Samm Simpson
Books with a 5 star rating  (5)
Publication Date: February 13, 2020
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 104
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781645508120

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Book Synopsis

On the thirty first day of the first pagan month in the year numbered 2019, my mother, Lila Lee Simpson, said goodbye to this bountiful Earth, a destiny awaiting all living beings. Her body shone luminous and the day was miraculous. I had the honor and privilege of being with her and laying her body to rest as it should be – intact, whole, no embalming, no cremation, no funeral industry chemicals, body plugs, wires, glues or make up. The story grew much larger than a simple descriptive narrative. It morphed into a tale of my idyllic childhood, seen through the lens of America’s self-destruction and fall from grace.

You will read of miracles as well as be exposed to difficult or uncomfortable topics. At the time of this writing, they were not yet banned. You are under no obligation to believe what I've written. But, while a semblance of freedom to think independently still exists, I urge you to do your own research until books are burned and Big Tech fully sanitizes the internet.
Customer Comments
Lauren Hallahan
Posted: May 21, 2020
Customer comment 5 star rating
I would make this required reading for students. This book is about a different time, not so long ago in our society where we lived and played as family and neighbors. The title alone tells you what has long been forgotten, as so many don't even know who their parents are in this life. Those who do their parents are sons and daughters of the greatest generation. This is what broke our society. This is a book that demonstrates those who understand what has been lost, and how they chose to honor their parents in life as well as when they left our world.

This book will be cherished by all who read it, those who also honor their mother and father. Hopefully broken families will understand what it takes to break this cycle and will want to, after reading this book.

The author has had every trial in life to bear, but having faith and family love proved to her, we never ever walk alone. What a beautiful book!
Michelle Dorris
Posted: May 25, 2020
Customer comment 5 star rating
Beautifully written! Have ordered more to give as gifts. I was excited to see the book had arrived in the mailbox. Once I opened it and scanned the pages, it was too late...I couldn't put it down......I found myself in another time, walking in Samms shoes, like I was actually there in her childhood with her....experiencing the laughter, the pain, the love.....There is happiness and heartache and a healthy dose of TRUTH. Thank you Samm for pouring your heart out onto paper and giving us a glimpse into your life!
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Michelle Dorris
Posted: May 25, 2020
Customer comment 5 star rating
Beautifully written! Have ordered more to give as gifts. I was excited to see the book had arrived in the mailbox. Once I opened it and scanned the pages, it was too late, I couldn't put it down......I found myself in another time, walking in Samms shoes, like I was actually there in her childhood with her....experiencing the laughter, the pain, the love.....There is happiness and heartache and a healthy dose of TRUTH. Thank you Samm for pouring your heart out onto paper and for giving us a glimpse into your life!
Posted: May 27, 2020
Customer comment 0 star rating
Lots of info in here. Kept my interest. Learned alot.
Posted: May 27, 2020
Customer comment 5 star rating
This book could be used as a primer of sorts to help folks understand the underbelly of what's going on in America - not only in the funeral industry complex, but in many other areas of our world. I loved how it weaved an America that used to be, with miracles of an amazing death and burial, along with hard core truths that help explain the madness of today's culture.