Book Synopsis
It is the gospel that makes Christianity so special. Truly, the “gospel” is good news. What exactly do we lose if we remove the gospel from Christianity? The answer to that question is summarized very well by Puritan author Thomas Brooks. Brooks wrote, “What goes from a people when the gospel goes? Answer: peace, prosperity, safety, civil liberty, true glory, soul – happiness, and the presence of God.” From this quote by Thomas Brooks we can see that if we lose the gospel we lose everything. By focusing on the gospel of Jesus Christ our hearts are nourished, encouraged, and spiritually uplifted. Malnourished Christians are usually people who have somehow gotten their eyes off the finished work of Christ and they have forgotten the glories and the wonders of God's love revealed in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
No other religion in the world has anything that is even remotely similar to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Whenever I read or hear about someone converting to another religion I'm filled with great sadness because I believe they would not be doing that if they had any comprehension of this wonderful gospel message that's found in the Word of God.