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God's Final Call

God God God
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by: Robert L. Dickie
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: July 31, 2024
Book Size: 5" x 8"
Pages: 106
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Standard Black & White
Cover Finish: Glossy
Paper: 60# Uncoated White

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Book Synopsis
When people reject the gospel they do so to the peril of their own souls. Most people who reject the Christian faith have very little knowledge of what it really is and have never studied the evidence for the resurrection of Christ, or the evidence for the infallibility of the Bible, nor have they studied why the Bible truly is the word of God compared to other books that claim to be inspired religious writings. Most people who reject the gospel do so out of ignorance, out of a love for their sin and their lifestyle that conflicts with the teachings of the biblical morality, and they reject Christianity because they have heard some professor, teacher, or some person of influence mock the Christian faith and they feel that that mocking was sufficient to destroy their faith in God. Most people who reject the Christian faith and reject the gospel do so without ever really studying to have their questions or concerns answered. And again I would say that most people who reject the gospel are completely oblivious to how glorious and wonderful the message of the Christian faith really is and how it towers over all other religions and world views so there is nothing that can compare to the glorious wonder of Christianity. This book is a tender place for people to come to Christ to search their souls to consider their need of salvation. It is my prayer that those reading this will have the Holy Spirit talk at the strings of their heart and draw them to Christ in irresistible Grace.
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