Book Synopsis
"Doomsday Apocalypse"
In a world spiraling toward collapse, humanity's final chapter is unfolding. The skies grow darker, the oceans rise higher, and strange celestial anomalies cast shadows on the earth. With corrupt governments failing worldwide, and societies and empires collapsing, survival becomes the only law of the land, but all hope of a better life is gone because God begins to judge the earth with global catastrophic turmoil until humanity repents. Yet, amid the chaos, scattered whispers of hope persist before the earth is completely and utterly destroyed.
Author Joel Martin, a brilliant bible teacher uncovers a shocking discovery in the holy scriptures, a massive cosmic event threatening to obliterate planet Earth with an unquenchable fire.
Salvation through Jesus Christ is the only way to escape the earth burning to ashes and brings hope to humanity by offering eternal life as revealed in the prophetic warnings of the Bible.