Book Synopsis
This is a story about Wednesday breakfasts, and more, with my friend and WWII Navy Veteran Anthony Thomas Perrotta. His friends called him Tom and I did as well until, with due deference, I began to address him as Mister Tom in the manner that crews aboard a ship would express respect and affirmation for a naval officer. The story contains facts, opinions, musings, and tales he told me and that I have intertwined with my own anecdotes that grew out of a friendship that began in mid-2018 and continued until shortly before his death. It was my great fortune to have joined him in countless, lengthy conversations, mostly over extended breakfasts, but occasionally at dinners and suppers. It is no stretch that I spent more time conversing with Tom than with any other man in my life.
About The Author
About the author: Regis served in the U.S. Army as an infantryman, aviator, instructor, Joint Staff planner, and recruiting battalion commander. After retirement from the military, he enjoyed professional challenges offered in managing corporate information technology and telecommunications projects for Norfolk Southern Railroad, The Coca-Cola Company and two Bell companies as a contractor and as a consultant. Now in complete retirement he enjoys writing, genealogy, cycling and landscaping chores. As a change of pace, he thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail where his favorite time was spent writing a daily blog in the late afternoons.