Book Synopsis
In yet another release by Ben Swetmore, we take a great look into the past, as we view centuries old artworks, consisting of paintings, figurines, decorative pieces, textiles, and other forms of human artistic expression throughout time. We begin in the early 16th Century and Continue till the end of the 19th Century, essentially starting off where the previous volume ended. We will be exploring many paintings of everyday life, religious pieces quite common at the time, and many other fascinating masterpieces along the way, from various parts of the world. Join us, as we explore some 400 years of Art History! Who knows, perhaps you will discover some new favorite pieces you haven’t seen before!
Front-Cover: Susanna and the Elders, by Albrecht Altdorfer (1525).
Back-Cover: The Storm on the Sea of Galilee, by Rembrandt (1633).