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Alphabet City 8

Alphabet City 8 cover image
Alphabet City 8 cover image Alphabet City 8 cover image Alphabet City 8 cover image
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by: Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: December 18, 2022
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 53
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9798370277092

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Available eBook Format(s): epub
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Book Synopsis
Kevon is well-known in certain parts of Alphabet City but not in a good way. He’s the big time drug dealer that supplies drugs to the recreational users and the hardcore drug addicts that wait for his new supply weekly. He talks about the destruction of the community but he is out to make his money, live a comfortable life and enjoy the fruits of his labor. With Kevon having to constantly be on the lookout for police, law enforcement agencies and enemies, the day to day life is never easy. Will Kevon survive this dangerous game where any day he can be taken out?
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About The Author
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Jamell is an author that focuses on social issues. It’s important for him to write stories that bring more discussion about life situations. He’s taken on many challenges in writing stories that aren’t told. Jamell has challenged himself every year on his writing journey to create stories that are inspiring, motivating and hopefully change the narratives of social issues in the world. His goal and moniker is to change the world one book at a time.
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