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A Journal and Journey into Godly Thinking

A Journal and Journey into Godly Thinking cover image
A Journal and Journey into Godly Thinking cover image A Journal and Journey into Godly Thinking cover image A Journal and Journey into Godly Thinking cover image
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by: Charles Gerber
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: December 16, 2014
Book Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 55
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Standard Black & White
Cover Finish: Glossy
Paper: 60# Uncoated White

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Book Synopsis
Life is a journey. Every day is a journey. It is a physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual journey. It will have its blessing and burdens; its challenges and choices; its ups and downs; it will have joys and hardships; laughter and heartaches; happiness and hassles.

People may be with you on the journey, but no two journeys are alike. Ready or not the journey is here now.
Elijah knew about this journey of life (1 Kings 19:7). At times, this journey called life can become too much with its strain (Exodus 18:23) and stress (Psalm 57:6). It can drain people of power (Isaiah 37:27). What happens when the journey of life becomes too much for us? It is then that we need to check our thinking. This is what this journal is designed to give -- Godly thoughts -- for this journey of life. Godly thinking does not change life’s journey’s battles. It does change the battle’s outcomes and how people fight the battles.
This journal is designed to give people a companion.
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