by: J. Mykle
Publication Date: September 2, 2019
Book Size: 5.83" x 8.26"
Pages: 70
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Premium Color
Cover Finish: Glossy
Paper: 80# Coated White
Available eBook Format(s): epub and pdf
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Book Synopsis
Out of a few instances and "Run-ins" with the law, the Author has utilized every aspect of his study and applies it with thrilling results. The Author has learned that in which is never taught in school. He has actually been studying about the truth and the factors of systematic obligations... He is now in the predicament to go full force and keep moving forward with his beliefs or be put away for a definite amount of time. What's it gonna be?...
About The Author
J.Mykle writes from real life experience(s) Applying actions many deem as ideology and philosophy. His freedom has been at risk many times and at times violated. Yet, as walking proof of what he believes in his application is growing in credibility.
Some may deem him many things...
But no one can take away the words of Truth and Experience(s) he has endured.
Nervously..., yet Fearlessly Proclaiming and Asserting his Rights. J. Mykle is liberated and telling bits and peices of his story from the age of 22-35 years explaining his times of incarceration and cases fought and dismissed... in hopes the reader obtains what is necessary to prevent the likes of such from happening to them.
Stay Liberated...
Stay Knowledgable.
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