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Age of Sorcery Michael Yach
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Age of Sorcery is a simple fantasy game that includes a character sheet, map of the world, 3 playable races and a unique spell system. It is designed for younger players, but can also entertain adults. This game is perfect for someone who wants to storytell for their kids, but does not want a very huge and complicated game. The game is 25 pages long and this book includes 6 copies of the game all inside of this book. Enter the world of Trynhold and fight goblins, ogres and more! For a much cheaper price than most other games, I believe you will enjoy this work of mine.
Campfire Tales and Rainy Day Writes Dodi Hanes
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Spiral Bound
ISBN: 9798885675154
"Campfire Tales and Rainy Day Writes" is a story telling activity book where one half of the book consists of read aloud story prompts for telling tall tales and stories around the campfire. The other half is geared toward more reflective story telling on rainy days where pen and paper and a simple story line to start can entertain all ages! Available in the perfect size for storing in a backpack, overnight bag or the camping gear, this activity book is sure to provide hours of fun and laughs with family and friends.
Hip-Hop Scholars Game Book In-Class Solutions
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Imagine yourself playing your favorite game show, speeding through a barrage of questions, trying to earn enough points to win the convenient “Hip-Hop Scholars” title. Imagine a game show where any person can participate and everyone wants to watch. The winners are determined by skill, knowledge, courage, and a little luck. The Hip-Hop Scholars study guide was created to help you Study and WIN!
How to Win at Tarok Oljan Repic
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781642544893
Tarok is the oldest surviving card game. Modern tarok approaches the card game bridge in complexity, but exceeds it in intellectual enjoyment. This monograph describes the history, rules and strategy of the game of tarok and is intended for both the beginner and advanced player. There are few comprehensive books on the rules of tarok, and even fewer on the strategy of the game. For generations, they have been learned by word of mouth, by practice, and by example from more experienced players. This text was written based on sixty years of experience in playing the game and on the wisdom of older players. Reading this book will teach the reader how to play tarok, and the numerous and ...
Kako zmagamo pri taroku Oljan Repic
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9789610716570
Tarok je najstarejša ohranjena igra s kartami. Sodobni tarok je po zapletenosti podoben igri bridge, umsko pa je v večje veselje. Ta monografija opisuje zgodovino, pravila in postopek igre tarok; namenjena je začetnikom in izkušenim tarokistom. Redko najdemo priročnik za pravila taroka, še redkeje pa knjigo o strategiji igre. Več generacij se jo je naučilo od ust do ust, z vajo in od bolj veščih tarokistov. To besedilo izhaja iz lastnih šestdesetletnih izkušenj in nasvetov starejših tarokistov. Zaradi ustnega izročila se pravila (in točkovanje) v podrobnostih razlikujejo med pokrajinami in celo med skupinami tarokistov. Razlike so nebistvene in ne slabijo osnovnih pravil igre. Knji ...
The Game of Life Challenges Jose Rodriguez
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
The Game of Life Challenges let you track your daily achievements, big or small, to gain motivation while progressing in everyday life. All the challenges are accomplishments you can complete to improve yourself, your life, and the world around you. As you earn challenge points, you’ll level up and unlock increasingly difficult challenges, providing new experiences and challenges.
Wonderland Queries Matarr Sama
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Discover the captivating world of exploration and self-discovery with "Wonderland Queries". This remarkable five-in-one collection offers over 500 intriguing questions designed to inspire curiosity and critical thinking. With this book, you can unlock the door to imagination's vast domain, delve into the intricate workings of the world, engage in reflective exercises, explore alternate realities, and craft vibrant characters. Let this captivating compilation spark conversations, stimulate critical thinking, and inspire a lifelong love of learning. Benefits of Reading "Wonderland Queries": Unlock the door to imagination's vast domain and explore alternate realities Delight in the joy ...
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