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All books using the keywords: Morgan Golden

Formación en Sabiduría para Líderes Empresariales Morgan Golden
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Spiral Bound
Formación en Sabiduría para Líderes Empresariales realmente va dirigida para todos, sin importar quién eres o qué haces, seas o no un líder de negocios. La “sabiduría desde arriba” consiste en tratar a los demás como te gustaría que te trataran a ti. Esta es una regla de oro y es la base de esta formación. Si sigues los principios sobre la sabiduría en este entrenamiento, verás mejoras en cada aspecto de tu vida. Esto incluye no únicamente los negocios, sino también las relaciones con su cónyuge, sus hijos, sus clientes, e incluso su gobierno.
Our Journey Back to Eden Morgan Golden
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781948339988
Based on the belief that the entire Bible holds together as one continuous narrative of the mission of God, Our Journey Back to Eden demonstrates how the literary design of all books of the Bible add to this narrative. Too often, we frame the Gospel in a way that implies that God's plan A didn't work and so he had to resort to plan B. When we look at the Bible that way, there are many aspects of the Old Testament that don't apply or mesh with the New Testament. This work attempts to tie the two parts of our Bible together as it details our journey back to Eden. A journey that centers around a person, Jesus, and His kingdom. The book is comprised of 1) An Overview of the continuity ...
Wisdom Training For Business Leaders English Morgan Golden
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Spiral Bound
Wisdom Training for Business Leaders is really for everyone no matter who you are or what you do, whether you are a business leader or not. “Wisdom from above” is to treat others as you would like to be treated. This is called the Golden Rule and is the foundation of this training. If you follow the wisdom principles in this training, you will see improvement in every aspect of your life. This includes not only your business, but also your relationships with your spouse, your children, your customers, and even your government.