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All books using the keywords: Ben van der Vyver

Being Born Again Ben Van Der Vyver
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Before any man-child can be born into the new life, conception and growth of the foetus has to occur. By means of a certain act the seed is implanted, and by certain rules of conduct the foetus develops until it reaches a stage where the Water spurts forth the infant into the new life which is the beginning of the natural journey of the child in this life. So also it is in the spiritual realm. Before any Christian Believer is Born into the Kingdom of God, conception of the Christ-Seed in the heart of a person needs to be accomplished. Conception of Christ in the heart is the very beginning of the Born Again experience which only is complete and fulfilled after the Waters separates the pa ...