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History > History of Science

Nickolaus Albert Pacione Delivers: A Library Of Unknown Horrors Nickolaus Albert Pacione
Books with a 2 star rating(17)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781944241001
The modern stories have strong language so you were warned. I did much research on this anthology over the years as it got placed in The Edgar Allan Poe Museum in one form. This version will be one of the historic sizes I had it when I had originally released the book. Features work by Edgar Allan Poe and H. P. Lovecraft from the public domain. introduced Fatima Stephens as she wrote under a pen name at the time and James Watts now with Hellbound Books; this is a historic publication. There are some writers who are still in touch, others who have gone their separate ways. Some by the industry politics and others for personal reasons. Since this has a new ISBN; let's have some fun with it ...
Osnove kemijske termodinamike Leonard K. Nash
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781633181335
To je slovenski prevod Nashevega učbenika. Knjiga obravnava, kako lahko samo iz toplotnih podatkov izračunamo ravnotežje kemične reakcije. Obrazložitev poudari stvarno stran termodinamike v nasprotju s cisto matematičnimi vidiki. Izračuni so omejeni na prgišče osnovnih integralov, ki so vsi pojasnjeni v dodatku. Uvod utemelji pojme temperature, toplote, dela, povratnosti in prostorninskega dela. Prvi zakon termodinamike razišče s pomočjo energije, entalpije, termokemije in Hessovega zakona, toplotne kapacitete, Kirchhoffovih enačb in adiabatnih pretvorb. Razlaga drugega zakona termodinamike zaobjame Carnotov krožni postopek, pojem entropije in presojo sprememb entropije. Pomembnost termo ...