Book Synopsis
The Foundation and Pillars of the Biblical Worldview offers an in-depth analysis of the Biblical worldview. The first section explains worldviews, emphasizing epistemology, demonstrating that if one does not begin with God’s Word, he cannot justify any knowledge about anything. The second section lays the foundation for the Biblical worldview: The Bible is the standard of truth. Here the doctrines of revelation (including the insufficiency of general revelation), inspiration & inerrancy of Scripture, and 7 properties of Scripture are analyzed. The largest section explains the 8 pillars/key doctrines that uphold a Biblical worldview. Christians lacking any of these pillars do not have the Biblical materials needed to build a Biblical worldview. The last section applies the Biblical worldview to 7 areas: history; language; science; education; civil government; economics; counseling—giving the required presuppositions in each to be able to think Biblically and have faith to impact culture
About The Author
Dr. Robert Fugate is an author, pastor, and theological mentor. He earned a Ph.D. in Christian Intellectual Studies and a M.Div., both from Whitefield Theological Seminary.
Dr. Fugate has written a variety of teaching materials that have been used by pastors and missionaries in over sixty countries. His writings include numerous books: The Bible: God’s Words to You; The Foundation and Pillars of the Biblical Worldview; Key Principles of Biblical Civil Government; Psycho-Heresy: Christianizing Pagan Psychologies; God’s Mandate for Biblical Education; Toward a Theology of Taxation; God’s Law: Foundation of Moral Order; A Biblical Philosophy of Truth with Contemporary Applications; A Theology of Rationality and Logic; Biblical Curses: Divine and Demonic; Biblical Patriarchy: Male Headship in Family, Church, and State; and several booklets, such as: A Brief History and Critique of Natural Law Theory; Biblical Imprecations: Christians’ Secret Weapon; Modernism and Postmodernism: Their History, Beliefs, Cultural Influence—and How to Refute Them; What Is the Relationship between Christianity and Culture? — Five Historical Paradigms and Their Consequences, etc.
Dr. Fugate co-authored the position paper “Sanctity of Human Life” for the International Church Council Project/Coalition on Revival, as well as being a major contributor to their position papers “God’s Law for All Societies,” “Education of Christian Children,” and “The Biblical Perspective of Environmental Stewardship.”
Dr. Fugate has mentored Christian leaders, pastoral and missionary candidates, and young people in Biblical worldview, presuppositional apologetics and systematic theology.
His website is